Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Menu Item 1 - Bacon Wrapped Dates Stuffed w/ Stilton

Ok, so a food photographer I am not, but a damned good cook I am!
Here is the first in a series of menu items.

Bacon Wrapped Dates Stuffed w/ Stilton

"We are just enjoying the flavors of a fallen brethren. What's wrong with that?"

Lights, Bar, Action!

It's no secret that I love, love, love my lights.

These are insulators that were once used on telegraph poles long ago. I can't explain the technical uses well, but the gentleman who built them for me, Chuck Roy can. He is a retired electrical engineer and he knows everything you'd ever want to know...and then some, about lighting. He is also a cook book author and LSU grad (but I won't hold that against him) ;-)
If you're interested in some of these I have his info, just shoot me an email.

Installing the bar top. Oh yeah!

Our cheese area. Love the barn wood look!!